Lasagna Gardening and Creation of Common Ground Garden
We began the creation of the GLGWL Common Ground community garden in January of 2021. We were offered a plot of land on Poplar St. that was unable to be built on due to a high water table by Mayor Jesse Dwyer. Since we didn’t want to dig down into the wet soil, we decided to use a lasagna gardening technique to build up onto the soil! Lasagna gardening follows the concept of actual lasagna in which you layer different elements to smother weeds and build and enhance fertility.
Rainwater Capture and Storage
The emergence of prolonged periods without rain combined with increasing intensity of rain events is making the capture and storage of rainwater a priority. The Common Ground Community Garden, with the help of Christopher Harrison of Harrison Regen, recently installed a new gutter and 275-gallon roof runoff collection tank on the 6’x10’ shed roof on our site for this purpose.