Farm to Table Fundraiser 2024


Grow Local Greenwood Lake’s 2nd Annual Farm to Table Dinner and Fundraiser was a terrific success!

Our thanks to everyone who donated, prepared the delicious food, entertained our guests, volunteered their time, and especially to all who attended. We had a great time and we hope you did too. Looking forward to doing it again next year!

In addition to showcasing great local food and wine, this event served a greater purpose: to raise funds in support of Grow Local Greenwood Lake, helping us make a positive impact on our community and support the sustainable practices of local farmers and food producers.

Thank you to our sponsors!

What People Are Saying

“Another lovely evening, nothing else like it… Bravo Jamie Heller!”

“Grow Local Greenwood Lake 2nd annual fundraiser dinner — for a truly great and worthy local organization full of wonderful people.”

“Both years have been the best! Looking forward to next year as well!”